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for Autodesk Inventor
Striker Systems PARTshare is a shared part storage technology that allows Autodesk Inventor users to seamlessly share flat part data with STRIKER CAD/CAM and Nesting software in real-time. PARTshare adds directly into the Autodesk Inventor interface allowing individual sheet metal parts or entire assemblies to be released from the Autodesk Inventor modeling environment. As the sheet metal parts are released they are automatically unfolded (as necessary) and placed in the PARTshare library. Critical part data including part number, revision, and material parameters, are maintained with each part to facilitate manufacturing operations.
Once the parts have been placed in the PARTshare library they are immediately available to all users of STRIKER CAD/CAM and Nesting software. Parts can be individually programmed or nested for CNC punching and cutting operations.
The benefits of PARTshare for Autodesk Inventor include:
Significantly Reduces Data Transfer Time
– PARTshare automates the transfer of flat part data from engineering to manufacturing. With just a few mouse clicks PARTshare can transfer all of the parts in a large assembly, automatically unfolding them as necessary. Compare this to the conventional method of opening each Autodesk Inventor part model individually and saving a flat part. The time savings can be tremendous!
Seamless / Real-Time Data Sharing
– When the Autodesk Inventor designer releases a part or assembly it is immediately available for NC processing. The STRIKER CAD/CAM programmer does not have to import the data, it’s just there.
Part / Assembly Validation
– PARTshare identifies many common Autodesk Inventor design issues prior to part extraction. This allows the Autodesk Inventor designer to address these issues before they make it into manufacturing.
Part Revision Control
– PARTshare allows part revision information to be extracted and maintained. Safeguards are included to keep parts from inadvertently being overwritten.
Eliminate Data Errors
– PARTshare automatically extracts mapped Autodesk Inventor properties including part number, revision information, description, material, etc., and carries them with the part through the manufacturing process. This guarantees consistent information since the reentry of this critical data is eliminated.
Routing Control
– PARTshare can analyze Autodesk Inventor part properties to determine which parts need to be extracted for fabrication and direct them to the desired CNC machine.
Control Grain Direction
– If grain direction is critical, PARTshare can allow you to analyze the orientation of each part as it is extracted and set the rotation control for nesting.
Reduce Autodesk Inventor License Requirements
– Importing Autodesk Inventor parts with other CAD/CAM & Nesting solutions often requires that you have a license of Autodesk Inventor on the computer with your nesting software. You can load Autodesk Inventor on a STRIKER CAD/CAM workstation if that fits your production needs, but it isn’t necessary. PARTshare can be added to as many Autodesk Inventor licenses as necessary, and they can all share data with STRIKER CAD/CAM across the network.
Click here for expanded PARTshare for Autodesk Inventor feature list ->
PARTshare Autodesk Inventor Expanded Feature List.pdf
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